How to Paper Quill
How to Paper Quill
What You Will Need:
scrap book paper
normal printer paper
How to Make it:
1. cut thin strips of the printer paper the long way
2. pick a good piece of scrap book paper for the back of your design
3. spiral the printer paper strips to the shapes to go with your design
4. lay-out your design with the right shapes in the right spot before glueing onto the paper
5. glue the shapes onto the paper to create a beautiful design
What You Will Need:
scrap book paper
normal printer paper
How to Make it:
1. cut thin strips of the printer paper the long way
2. pick a good piece of scrap book paper for the back of your design
3. spiral the printer paper strips to the shapes to go with your design
4. lay-out your design with the right shapes in the right spot before glueing onto the paper
5. glue the shapes onto the paper to create a beautiful design